About Us
Check your ego at the door. No prima-donnas allowed.

Brenton Creative was born out of a need for marketing and design with heart. So many agencies and marketers are selling products and tactics to clients with no thought behind if it will actually move the needle for the client. Looking at our margin and the bottom line isn’t how Brenton Creative develops a strategy for our clients. Looking at what the client needs to succeed, that is what we look at. We have seen with our own eyes how other agencies put their own culture and their own ideas ahead of the clients. We believe in a fun, flexible, relaxed work culture but not to the detriment of our clients. We think differently. We are a partner to you. We integrate ourselves with your organization. Your ideas and concepts are just as valid as ours. When given the opportunity, we can be as artsy and creative as a high-priced New York agency. That’s not just our opinion, our design staff has won multiple awards and been featured in Graphic Design USA magazine. But when a project just needs to be knocked out because of a tight deadline, we are as agile as a local freelancer. Whatever your need, Brenton Creative has your solution.
We talk about branding daily with our clients and internally. Your brand isn’t your logo or your standard colors. Branding is what they say about you when you aren’t in the room. Branding isn’t just for our clients. We practice what we preach. Contact us and see why our brand is Creatively Different.
Are you creatively different? Show us!
We aren't currently hiring but we'd still like to hear from you. Email us your cover letter, resume, and portfolio and let us know why you are Creatively Different. Whether you are a graphic designer, web designer, coder, account manager, sales associate, marketing director, art director, videographer, or whatever, we want to hear from you.
Email your information to us at dustin@brentoncreative.com.