
"Every time I go to a movie it's magic,
no matter what the movie's about."
- Steven Spielberg
Established in 2023, Brenton Creative's film production division is committed to captivating audiences with a diverse array of cinematic experiences across all genres. Nestled in Indiana, we predominantly showcase the Hoosier State in our productions. Whether you're a fan of campy horror, gripping sci-fi thrillers, laugh-out-loud comedies, heart-pounding action, or anything in between, you'll find something to love here. Welcome to the home of limitless storytelling possibilities.
Currently in Production
Below are the films that we are currently working on. They are in different stages of production from screenwriting to fundraising, to actually shooting, to post-productions and even distribution. When these movies are available to watch, we will provide links on social media and on this website.

When the government tries to take Farmer Sam Shoemaker’s land to build an interstate, he decides it’s time to secede from the USA and start his own Micronation in order to save his home. Along the way he makes some unlikely friends and possibly learns to let go of the past and love again.

In the future when people pass away, they can be plugged into LifeAnnex, a virtual reality program where they live inside an alternate reality where others can visit them using VR headsets. A senator with presidential aspirations, who believes this is immoral, is on a mission to shut down this technology. When a beloved teacher is killed, the key to solving her death is having her regain that memory before the system is shut down for good...and her killer walks free.

"The Amulet" is a spine-chilling anthology that weaves together four tales of terror, each connected by a mysterious amulet with a dark history. As the amulet passes from generation to generation, unsuspecting recipients find themselves entangled in its malevolent power, unaware of the sinister misfortunes that await them.